7 Incredible Health Benefits of Chai Spice Tea

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Chai Spice Tea

Posted by Luke Coffey on

When it comes to chai, everyone has their own personal taste. Some prefer it sweet, some prefer it spicy, and others prefer it a little of both. Within the chai community, it seems like no two people have the same preference. So if you’re looking to discover the hidden benefits of drinking chai, read on to discover the top health benefits of drinking chai.


If you've ever tried chai spice tea, you know it's a flavor in a league of its own. Chai is an Indian-style tea that often includes cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper to create a flavorful and fragrant brew.

Chai is the perfect drink for any time of the year - you can enjoy it warm in winter, cold in summer, or iced during either season. Plus, who doesn't love waking up to the aroma of spicy chai?

It's An Easy To Make Drink

One of the top health benefits of drinking chai is that it’s an easy to make drink. No matter what your preference is, it’s never been easier to make a cup of chai yourself. The best part is that all you need is a tea kettle and some loose leaf chai tea. If you want something a little more personalized, there are also pre-packaged chai mixes which make the process even easier.

In addition to being easy to make, many people say that drinking chai makes them feel calm and relaxed. There’s no better feeling than curling up on the couch with your favorite blanket and reading while sipping on a hot cup of chai after a long day at work.

Boost Your Brain Function

One of the top benefits of drinking chai is that it can boost your brain function. Chai contains caffeine, which has been proven to help with memory recall and concentration. So, if you need an extra kick to get through a busy day at work or school, try brewing yourself a cup of chai.

Boosts Immunity

Chai tea is packed with antioxidants, which are the best way to counteract free radicals. Free radicals are nasty little things that cause all sorts of problems in the human body, and they’re also a side effect from drinking chai. When you drink chai, you’re consuming antioxidants that help your body repair any damage done by these pesky molecules. The immune system is strengthened by these antioxidants as well.

Strengthens Immune System

The immune system is one of the most important aspects of health. It defends our body against diseases and infection, so it needs to be in tip-top shape for us to be healthy. Drinking chai on a regular basis can strengthen your immune system because it contains antioxidants that can help fight off free radicals. But aside from just strengthening the immune system, these antioxidants also reduce inflammation and help prevent cancer.

Protects Vision

Chai tea is a powerful antioxidant and contains high levels of vitamin A, which is crucial to maintain eye health. The antioxidants found in chai tea protect the retina in your eyes from oxidative stress and help prevent age-related macular degeneration.

Reduces Cholesterol

Chai tea is a great addition to your diet, as it’s been proven that drinking it reduces cholesterol levels. This is because chai is made with ginger, cinnamon and cardamom which are all natural remedies for high cholesterol. The spices not only help lower cholesterol but also have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce pain and nausea.

Improves Digestion

In a study done by Memorial University in Canada, it was found that chai tea can help with digestion. This is because the spices used in this type of tea provide relief for an upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting. It's important to note that you should consult your doctor before drinking this tea if you have a sensitive stomach or are pregnant.

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to irritation. It is a protective mechanism that tries to isolate and repair damaged tissue. While inflammation is usually a good thing, too much of it can cause severe complications. And thanks to chai, your body can now combat inflammation and get rid of it faster than ever before.

Chai has been shown to decrease the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increase anti-inflammatory cytokines in the body. When you drink chai, you are also reducing levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker. By drinking chai regularly, you can reduce chronic inflammation in your body as well as lower your risk for inflammatory diseases like heart disease and arthritis.


With all these benefits, it is no wonder why more and more people are drinking chai spice tea everyday. If you are looking for a way to improve your health, try chai spice tea today!

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