6+ Tips To Improve Emotional Wellness

6+ Tips To Improve Emotional Wellness

Posted by Luke Coffey on

Everyone wants to be have a greater sense of wellbeing, but not everyone knows how. As we might imagine, our mental health and sense of happiness is linked to our emotional health. Even though emotional health is given less attention than other aspects of wellness, it is just as important and arguable more important as it is often overlooked. Mental health is one of todays major health challenges, so taking care of your emotional wellbeing is becomingly increasingly important. But what is emotional wellness?

What Is Emotional Wellness?

According to the National Center for Emotional Wellness, the term refers to an understanding and awareness of your emotions and your ability to manage them effectively. When you're more tuned into your feelings, you can more easily become aware of your bodily sensations. The more you act on your emotions, the more you begin to trust yourself. This allows you to remain in the present and have a sense of mindfulness.

 Emotional wellness is important for overall wellbeing and happiness

Being emotionally well, allows you to slow down and foster a sense of mindfulness. It means that you are self aware of your own emotions and able to shift them to improve your outlook on life. It doesn't mean you won't experience negative emotions, but rather you will have a different outlook on them and be able to manage them better. It is about being able to look at your glass half-full rather than half-empty, effectively improve your mindset and ability to cope with problems or challenges than arise.

Emotional wellness is an important part for our overall health. Our overall wellness relies of 8 different aspects, emotional wellness being one of them. Research has shown that emotional distress creates an increased likelihood of getting a physical illness. In otherwords having a greater sense of emotional wellbeing improves our chances of fighting off disease. Cultivating this also improves our ability to handle hardship and challenges, which makes it easier for us to find happiness and success.

How Do We Know If We Are Maintaining Our Emotional Wellness?

Here are some questions to ask yourself to figure out if you are maintaining a sense of emotional wellness and how you can improve it.
  1. How do you treat people in your life, both personally and professionally? People who are emotionally well tend to be more sensitive, compassionate and generous.
  2. Are you happy with the person you are? People who are more emotionally healthy tend to be happier with themselves. They are less anxious and more present.
  3. Are you grateful? Emotionally healthy people tend to feel greater levels of gratitude with their lives.
  4. Are you able to manage your stress? Emotionally well people are able to manage their stress through healthy outlets. Stress Less is a product we've designed to help do this.
  5. Are you open minded? This means you are self-aware enough to listen to your thoughts and are willing to listen to others.
  6. Do you have a life purpose? Having a life purpose gives you more of a reason to get up in the morning. People with a healthy sense of emotional wellbeing know what is important to them and what their values are.

Simple Tips To Improve Your Emotional Wellness

  1. Exercise, even light exercises such as walking, produce endorphins which can foster a sense of emotional wellbeing.
  2. Mindfulness activities such as meditation.
  3. Developing a gratitude practice.
  4. Socialise. Connecting with loved ones fosters healthy relationships and boosts your mood.
  5. Creative hobbies such as knitting, music or dancing.
  6. Supplements can help improve our emotional regulation. Adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola Rosea can help. Our herbal blend Stress Less contains these two adaptogens.

These are just some of the ways you can improve your emotional wellbeing and improve your overall wellness. Emotional wellbeing is just as important as the other aspects of wellness and these practices are something you should incorporate into your everyday life for a fuller life.

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